Moving along...
My plan is progressing slowly. I have played about 30 hours and made a whopping $93. The swings haven't been too big, however. My high is $178 and my low is about -$50. So it hasn't been bad, just slow. Every time I book a small win (I have yet to book a big win), it seems the next time I sit down I get beat over the head by a series of 3-outers. In fact the only reason I am ahead is because I actually hit a few flush draws yesterday. So far I am making 21% of what I think I should be making. Looking back, I think I was being overly ambitious when I put that plan together. I don't know how I expected to go from being a break-even/slight loser to a consistent winner. I think $8/hr would have been more realistic to start, rather than $14.
I am also considering adding a third table ahead of schedule. Two tables is getting pretty boring and I see myself starting to compromise starting hand selection the longer I play. I think adding a third table will make me focus more. I might also move up to 3-6 ahead of schedule as well. The main reason for this is, since I starting playing 2-4 exclusively, my rakeback payments have been about half of what I'm used to. I think I might add a third table of 2-4 at 50 hours, and then switch to 3-6 when my bankroll gets above $2,000. With the way things are going that will be sometime in 2007. The players at 3-6 are pretty much the same as the ones at 2-4, so as long as I have the necessary bankroll, I should be fine. There I go, deviating from the plan.
In other news, I whole-heartedly recommend the movie The 40 Year Old Virgin, unless you are easily offended by drunk women, mint-in-box vintage action figure collections, broken flourescent light bulbs, striped dildos, transvestite hookers, big-screen televisions, big boxes of porn, slutty bookstore employees, 40 year old virgins, or the guy who played MC Hammer in VH1's original movie Too Legit: The MC Hammer Story. Or if you happen to be my parents.

how do you know who played Hammer? Did you know Hammer performed at the VMAs?
Because as I was watching the movie I thought to myself "Hey, that is the guy who played MC Hammer in VH1's original movie Too Legit: The MC Hammer Story!" I also recognized the slutty bookstore employee as the woman who played the bank teller in Catch Me If You Can, starring Leonardo Dicaprio and Tom Hanks. I am not proud of this.
I was not aware that Hammer performed at the VMAs. I did not view the VMAs. Is it still "Hammer", or did he add the "MC" back to it? I thought it was hilarious how he dropped the "MC" from his name and decided to be a gansta rapper and then he lost all his money and his house with the gate in front that said "Hammertime" on it. Actually that last part wasn't too funny. In fact it was kind of sad.
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