Ducks eat free at Subway.
I am going to add more information to the links to the right. In case you didn't notice, those are four of my favorite comedians (that aren't famous enough) and Kurt Rambis. Those four guys are funnier than any of the famous comedians that have their own sitcoms and make $3.6 million per episode. Maybe getting your own sitcom makes you less humorous. Brian Regan is kind of a funny version of Jerry Seinfeld. You should buy his dvd. While you're there, buy his CD, too. But I'll talk about him later.
Mitch Hedberg was one of my favorite comedians and I was fortunate to see him four times and introduce his comedy to a few people. I remember the first time I saw him on TV it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. Sadly, he died two weeks after the last time I saw him. I got to sit in the front row and I yelled out "Do the Fritos joke", and he did the Fritos joke. He seemed more out of it than usual. I never knew how shy, disturbed, and addicted to heroin he was. He even had a joke about it: "I'm addicted to heroine. I like to have sex with women who have saved someone's life." I guess only the second sentence was part of the joke.
Anyway, I've added some links under his name if you want to learn more about him or read some of his jokes. He died too soon and wasn't known to enough people.

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Steve, was Dwayne Perkins the guy we saw open? You should include him in your list.
It was Dwayne Kennedy. I will consider adding him to the list.
Dane Cook didn't make the list because he is all famous now.
OK. I saw Dwayne Perkins on comedy central and he is a funny guy too.
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