Sunday, November 27, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving was fun.

The mom, the dad, the sister, the sister's husband, and the sister's daughter all came to visit for Thanksgiving. My 99-year-old grandma that lives 15 miles away always hosts. No, she doesn't cook. She has it at a hotel near her house. It's a big Thanksgiving buffet.

Most of her 5 kids, 16 grandkids and 15 great-grandkids were there, along with their significant others and such. My dad was 3rd of the 5 and I was 13th of the 16. That's all the family details you get.

Ms. Brick and I went to the gym Thursday morning before heading to T-giving. She made sure to do at least 500 calories on the treadmill so she would have enough calories saved up to afford that cheesecake she wanted to eat. Unfortunately, there was no cheesecake.

The food was pretty good. They had the standard stuff, as well as other stuff like shrimp and smoked salmon. The shrimp still had the shells on it, so I made sure to take a lot of them because consumption would take a little bit of extra effort. I made it out of there with little to no damage. I didn't have to unbuckle my pants after and I only had one piece of pie. Okay, two.

My dad's little sister made us play dumb trivia games and do dumb skits. Luckily, the family knows I don't talk so I wasn't asked to participate. I like dumb stuff.

I hung out with my family and did nothing for the rest of the weekend. The immediate family came over and hung out at our place on Friday and Ms. Brick made this shrimp/spaghetti thing for dinner. My mom doesn't like shrimp. I don't know why. It sure seems like I eat a lot of shrimp, but I really don't. I think I have mentioned shrimp eating about six times on this blog.

My sister's daughter is 13 months old and I played with her a lot. I like hanging out with small children because you don't have to talk to them and tell them stuff and they don't judge you. Also, they are easily amused. Also, I have the social capacity of a 3-year-old.

Then some other stuff happened.

I don't feel like writing anymore.


At 9:56 AM, Blogger Scotty Win said...

great post


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