Random stuff.
There was no pumpkin picking. The Bricks and the Scotts just went out for fried squid and beers. I also think that some wine and pizza was consumed. Then we went back to Ms. Scott's place (the Scotts, unlike the Bricks, maintain separate residences) and played Trivial Pursuit (Bricks vs. Scotts) and drank. It was "DVD Pop Culture" edition, so the Scotts basically had no chance. Sports, music, movies. Forget it. You can't touch me. I showed them a lot of mercy keeping the score as close as I did. Ms. Brick is also a master dice thrower. We were getting nowhere with my dice throws, and the Scotts jumped out to an early lead. But then Ms. Brick took over dice duties and started hitting the roll-agains and pie-pieces. After we got all six pie pieces, she nailed the center on her second try. The final question was a laugh. Everyone knows it was Vince Neil who killed the drummer of Hanoi Rocks in a drunk driving accident. At least ask me the name of the drummer, jeez.
Honestly, I know a disturbing amount about pop culture. I wish I could dispose of some of it and fill that part of my brain with more useful information. I don't need to know the year Duran Duran released "Hungry Like The Wolf" (1982).
I got a tiny bit drunk during gameplay and didn't want to drive home. Ms. Scott went to bed and Scott stayed up with us, but we could tell he wanted us to leave so we went and sat in the car. After a while I drove home. Nothing happened. Except driving. And home.
Other weekend happenings...
We went to the gym for the first time in god-knows-how-long. You know it's a bad sign when you get to the gym and they have all new machines. It's a good thing we pay $80 an month for this. I don't know why they needed new machines, as the old ones were pretty damn nice. The last gym I went to purchased their machines sometime in 1974 and isn't about to get new ones. They had one functional treadmill and four broken treadmills, so everytime I went over there I'd be praying the one good treadmill would be open. That place was straight out of a movie. Basically a dank basement with water dripping from the ceiling filled with weights and gnarly hardasses lifting them. Hey, for $200 a year it was a damn good bargain. If you're ever in Chicago at the corner of Clark & Ridge, go check it out and ask for a tour. Just don't ask to see the lockers or showers because they don't have any. Also they have only one toilet and there's no toilet paper so make sure you bring your own. I fuckin loved that place.
On Sunday...I actually played a little poker. I had some freerolls for some single-table qualifiers on there so I played those and won an entry to the PartyPoker Million V semi-finals, woohoo! I will play the tournament on Nov. 3. If I finish in the top 1.85% I win a $13,500 entry to the PartyPoker Million V. If I finish outside of the top 1.85%, I win jack shit. My guess is the latter.
Finally, I finished the band story in the "PB&J" post. It was kind of condensed. I could write a book about high school band.
That's all. Have a nice Monday.
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