I'm glad I checked my junk e-mail account...

I thought I was broke, but apparently my poker bankroll has $30.38 in it.
I got an e-mail from Noble Poker saying I have 20.38 in my account that I forgot about. I signed up there a long time ago for the sign-up bonus but quit because it sucked there. In my hurry to leave I must have left 20.38 behind. Wow, I haven't played there since May or June. I really liked their crappy sound effects; so much that I muted them. I haven't seen any of their ads lately and pretty much forgot they existed. They probably would have been better off just taking the twenty bucks rather than tell me about it. It's not like I'm going to start playing there again.
Then I got an e-mail from Empire telling me I have $10 free in my account to play with. I have to play 300 raked hands if I want to cash out. So basically, I can't cash it out. Empire has resorted to passing out free money to deserted accounts to get people to play there. That's just sad. I think Empire will be going away soon.
So now I have $30.38 to play with on crappy sites. I think I'm going to cash out Noble Poker, deposit it into Empire, then lose the whole thing at the 1-2 6-max tables. That is if there is anyone playing. I haven't been on the exiled half of the Party network in over a month. Also, I haven't really played much poker in general for a while. I hope I remember the rules.
I find it somewhat pathetic that I am excited about thirty bucks.
That's all. Sorry for talking about poker.
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